January 4th 2019, ARKA JAIN UNIVERSITY began with the 3 day,7th annual Sports Meet “RANBHOOMI”…
Tata Motors Industry Visit
The department of Commerce & Management (PG), under the banner of ‘Knowledge Manthan Sat…
Interactive Session With Swami Nirviseshananda Tirthaji
Students of various departments of ARKA JAIN University participated in an Interactive Session ‘Secret of Excellence’ organized by Centre for…
Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
An interactive session on ‘IPR – Know your Rights was jointly conducted by CS Mr. Jigar Rupani – Senior Lecturer, Department of Commerce and Management…
Seminar On GST
Mr. Jigar Rupani, Fellow Company Secretary – Senior Lecturer, Department of Commerce and Management was invited by the Department of Economics to take a session on Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Seminar On Taxation
The “Seminar on Taxation” took place on Thursday 22nd November’2018, conducted by two professors of Department of Commerce, Arka JAIN University Ms. Tanushree Mahato and Mr. Jaideep Dasgupta under the guidance of HoD, Ms.Priya Raman .
Guest Session under KMS
It is very important for the management graduates to understand the corporate expectations from them. This will help them to groom themselves accordingly and hence perform satisfactorily at their respective workplaces.
Bhubaneshwar’s business cum cultural festival “Ignite 2018”
Students of ARKA JAIN UNIVERSITY participated in Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneshwar’s business cum cultural festival “Ignite 2018”
Basketball Team
The department of Commerce & Management (PG), under the banner of ‘Knowledge Manthan Sat…
Navotsav 2018
Navotsav’ 2018 was organized in our University campus on 11, 12 and 13th October, 2018. A total of 22 events were conducted…
WSD Report
The department of Commerce & Management (PG), under the banner of ‘Knowledge Manthan Sat…